Monday, 5 July 2010

Political manifesto as curatorial project

It makes me say "Oh I wish I was in London in the year 2007/ I was 2 years late" But we can always follow up what had happened.

Should curators get involved in politics? Curators and artists look back, with reference to the ICA's political curating history.
A talk held at the ICA on Tuesday 27 November 2007.
From the post-WWII era to Vietnam and 'the war on terror', curators have used the political issues of the day to create relevant and provocative exhibitions. The ICA has often been at the forefront of this practice, playing host to the politically controversial Unknown Political Prisoner exhibition in 1953, offering solidarity in the early 60s to LA artists protesting against Vietnam, and most recently inviting artists' proposals for a Memorial to the Iraq War (2007). In a time which is often described as apathetic, but which has also seen some of the biggest anti-war demonstrations ever, should contemporary politics be the domain of the curator?
Liam Gillick, artist, and contributor to Memorial to the Iraq War;
Sophie Hope, co-founder B+B, co-curator, Real Estate for London in Six Easy Steps, ICA (2005);
Will Bradley, co-curator, Forms of Resistance: Artists and the desire for social change from 1871 to the present, Van Abbemuseum;
Marysia Lewandowska, Polish-born, London-based artist who has collaborated with Neil Cummings since 1995, and whose recent Enthusiasm project explored, through amateur films made by Polish factory workers under socialism, the potential of working outside 'official' culture.
Chaired by Andrew Brighton, writer, contributing editor to Critical Quarterly and painter, with an introduction on the history of the ICA's involvement in political projects by Ben Cranfield.
Please note: this is a recording of a live event. Sound levels and quality may vary, and the recording does not include audience discussion that took place at the end of the event.
60 Years of Curating is developed in association with Ben Cranfield and the London Consortium. Ben Cranfield is a collaborative doctoral award student at the ICA and London Consortium, currently working on an intellectual history of the arts in postwar Britain.

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